Manufacturing Services

Using our internal design drawings, or a customer’s set of drawings, we will manufacture, assemble, and perform testing on control, electrical, or mechanical designs, in accordance with design criteria. We are proficient at turning a stack of mechanical and electrical drawings into an assembly that meets the objectives of the project.
man using cnc machine

Mechanical Manufacturing & Assembly

Carleton Controls utilizes a highly controlled list of approved vendors that provide machining services to our company. The assembly of these mechanical items into a mechanical assembly is performed at Carleton Controls according to the drawing requirements.

Electrical Assembly

The electrical assembly is performed in-house at Carleton Controls. Wire labels are prepared utilizing Brady and TE Components machines. Assembly techniques follow IPC guidelines for electronic equipment. Control panels utilize component designators to allow easy identification of components.
electrical wiring

Acceptance / Qualification Testing

We understand that the manufacturing of an assembly is only good if it performs according to the design intention and requirements. As a part of our manufacturing service, we offer design acceptance testing and validation, monitored by our quality department, in order to ensure compliance.

Carleton Controls Technical Services

Carleton Controls makes difficult tasks easy for our customers.

Manufacturing Services

Procurement Services

Government Contracting

Quality Assurance, Certifications, and Associations

Carleton Controls is ISO 9001:2015 certified. Learn more about our certifications and associations.

Get in Touch

We are big enough to solve large problems, but small enough to provide efficient, personal service.
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Photos on this website may depict products, services, logos or brands from the DoD, other military branches, and private businesses. The use of this imagery does not imply an endorsement and may not accurately reflect the products or services delivered.